Its all about tomatoes .... and some water harvesting
This week I give an update on the tomatoes, highlight a couple of fab tomato & chilli events and remind you about water butts.
Finally, the tomatoes are ripening in the greenhouse. The sun and warmth have pushed them on, so we’re approaching that glut phase when it is tomatoes for lunch, snacks and dinner. I grow lots of different varieties, some favourites and others new, so I have an interesting selection of tomatoes to eat and photograph.
This year I sowed some saved seed of Lucid Gem, India Stripe, San Marzano, Nagina Plum, Colgar and Shimmer plus purchased seed of Crimson Crush, Costoluto Genovese, Ethel Watkins, Moskvich and the weird looking Reisetomate Pocketbook Vine (the one that looks like a cluster of small tomatoes stuck together).
For their size, the microtomatoes (Veranda Red) have performed really well, delivering lots of tasty cherries. They are coming to an end, but they were first to fruit back in May and each has produced multiple clusters (bottom right of photo).